Casey and I have worked very hard on this book and the two of us are so excited to share it with our families and the rest of the world. This is what we have done so far:
We have organized a book launch for the 1st of December 2012 at the Gladstone Library.
We have set up a facebook page and website
We have translated the story into German and have contacted other people to translate the book into other languages. Our aim is to have a number of dual language books so other families who have two or more languages at home can read it to their children either way. We have been to a recoding studio to turn the story into an audiobook, we have designed posters and postcards and they should arrive in the mail any time soon. We have a few more ideas ready to come alive, but for now we are pretty amazed with what we have done already! After another late night and so many things ticked off our list - we look at each other and think: "How long have I known you for?" It feels like forever. We just clicked from day one and work together so easily.
The other day Casey asked me to write my dedication for the book, which was quite an emotional moment for me. I knew straight away that I wanted to dedicate the book to you -
my children.
but at the same time I also want it to be for the one child that we lost very early on before we had you two. We never gave it name, which does not seem to be something you would do afterwards. I hope it will be able to feel the excitement of the book and all the love I am putting into it - even up in heaven.
I once read how a mom said: I have 3 children - two on earth and one in heaven. This is exactly what I would like my dedication to be -
to all my children.
With love,
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